Certified Coach & Career Facilitator
Talent Management
Ask important questions, get powerful results! Coach facilitated discussions can generate insights for fast action and impactful improvements.
New Leader Assimilation
New leadership role? New team members assigned to a new leader? Jump start building a solid working relationship between new boss and subordinates through an assimilation process.
Group facilitation held with chosen participants
Structured questions designed to quickly surface important issues and expedite getting know your new team/boss
Summarized feedback provided to new leader for follow-up
Retention "Stay" Interviews
Be proactive, find out what's on their mind before another company does. Ask key people powerful questions to find out what keeps them on your team and what could drive them away.
One-On-One interviews with chosen participants
Confidential discussion that gets at the heart of what really matters
Feedback on key take-aways with recommendations for action
Contact TLK Coaching to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs (up to 30 minutes).